Saturday, February 20, 2010

Kala: Hot Mess Collage

This is a placeholder


  1. Great poses and captures. Have to work this morning after a long, long week, so I need to catch up on a lot of comments.

    I keep switching back and forth, but I think #4 in the series is my favorite.Wait...#1. No, #3 is my favorite. But #2 has a cool tone. Okay, back to #4 as my favorite. Maybe.

  2. Excellent glamor shot, Charles. I like Your style. I am big fan of your photo art. I am fallowing your art since charlesyehstudios from blogspot time.

    Please write more about datails, layers, Photoshop Technics and post production.

    There are some my postproduction work, I still learning this:

    Good luck to You.
