Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Conversations with LUCIMA: Photography Style Reactions

Hi Charles,

Your comment about selling out hit a nerve.

It reminded me of when I first head this song back in the day:

This was Queen bemoaning the state of the music industry in the 1970's. From Miley Cyris' recent comments, nothing much has changed.

I guess my point is, how far are you willing to bend to make a living?

Queen obviously did bend. Songs such as 'Bicycle Girls' and 'Keep Yourself Alive' were paltry crap compared to their early heavy rock work laced with soaring harmonies. Blue Oyster Cult is another group that comes to mind, when thinking about how far from their core musical sensibilities they went in order to have hits on the radio.

Creatives are a dime a dozen as far as the power brokers are concerned. It does not matter what art form it is, all they want to do is figure out how to squeeze the most cash out of the creative and bend him/her to that goal.

Conversations with LUCIMA: Photography Style

Conversations with LUCIMA - Photography Style from Charles LUCIMA on Vimeo.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Next on Conversations with LUCIMA: Photography Style

So let's talk photography/retouching style next Monday afternoon at 5PM PDT in our next iteration of Conversations with LUCIMA. Here's the premise:

Everyone wants to have their own unique style and yet so few people ever develop their own style. Why? Where does style come from? Why do photographers seemingly struggle with finding their unique look? What is style? How did I develop my "look"? What's the best way to develop a style? How much of others' work should I be looking at?

I'm going to keep pushing to keep these sessions short. Last time we ended up around 40+ minutes. Come ready to participate! First come first serve as usual.

1. Please join my meeting, Oct 28, 2013 at 5:00 PM PDT.

2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is required. Or, call in using your telephone.

Dial +1 (213) 493-0601
Access Code: 774-071-677
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 774-071-677

Conversations with LUCIMA: Pilot Episode

Join us for our next episode!

Conversations with LUCIMA from Charles LUCIMA on Vimeo.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Next on Conversations with LUCIMA: Pilot Episode

Who is available in 4 hours (3:30PDT) and signed up on the "Workshop Notifier" (where the subscribe button is)?

I wanna try something new. Opening it up to the few of you guys here first before making it "live". Basically a live discussion podcast style. Don't ask technical questions like "how do you do this effect" etc. It's a general discussion.

How to join:

1. Say something in this thread.
2. Join the "workshop notifier" subscription on my website because I need to email you the login details.

The discussion will only be 30 minutes. So you snooze you lose :)