Ladies, I know it's tempting but please resist the urge to throw your underwear at us.
I'm pretty good at most sports. I tend to learn the rules of engagement and create basic strategies that allow me to excel/win. Combined with decent coordination and athletics I'm more than happy to play most sports recreationally or competitively.
That being said, I suck at golf and soccer. I've demonstrated time and time again that the best I'll ever be is a double-digit handicapper and my coordination doesn't include foot "dexterity".
For the games that I can't win in, I'd rather not play.
Chalk that up to my competitive personality.
But what if you have to play and what if you have to win? And what if you're disadvantaged in every way? That if you play the game as it is designed, you're bound to lose?
Then you better change the rules of engagement.